So its been like three months since my last little blog entry…. (sorry for the delay) its just been hard to get to my computer and sit down and write. Things are incredible…. A lot, a lot, a lot has happened these past 3 months. Over the holidays my brother Eric who is married and has 3 little kids , radically had his life changed as he had a powerful encounter with Gods presence and power. I spent one night with him and we broke off all the stuff that has been haunting him his whole life. Addiction, depression, anger were the main things that he got instantly free/delivered of that night. Jesus said that salvation is not only our eternal spirits going to heaven but also for our healing and deliverance. When sin entered the world, so did sickness, disease and demonic oppression, as well as separation from God for eternity. Well Jesus came to reverse everything and give us back everything the enemy has stolen, which included our healing and deliverance…. Which most of the church has forgotten about or something… haha I don’t know. I don’t blame people for not wanting to go to church or be religious; people want to know that God is real and He is powerful and He can change their lives NOW and not just figure it all out when they get to heaven. Our job is to bring heaven to earth! That’s what Jesus said over and over again, and it’s why He asked us to pray “your kingdom come your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (is sickness, disease, or torment in heaven?)….. so long story short with my brother, I just prayed over each one of those spirits that was holding him captive his whole life and they all left and his life has been completely different ever since. After all that junk left, I released the Physical, tangible presence of God on him and he has been forever changed. He said it felt like he was being electrocuted with power as I prayed for him and Gods power shot through him. Everyday since then he has been experiencing this presence of God that I had been telling him about. People wanna see power, not just mere words or good ideas on what God can do…. They wanna see some fireworks! Haha so ya… his whole family has got rocked and they are moving down here to Redding (as I write this) to come to the school next year and take up there call to spread the good news to the ends of the earth.
Ya… iv also gotten to experience some pretty incredible miracles in the last few months as well. We literally have hundreds and hundreds of people healed every week here in Redding, inside the church and out on the streets. I’ll share my favorite testimony from a few weeks ago. I went up to Oregon to do video at this winter camp that a friend of mine was putting on. While I was there I struck up a conversation with a couple students, who asked me about what I did so I started sharing with them and telling them testimonies of what God has been doing in the last few months. Well at the end of our conversation right as they were both about to walk away I got a word of knowledge that she had one leg shorter than the other (through testimony) and when I told her she looked at me and was like “wow…. That’s crazy, ya my leg is ½ shorter than the other one and its caused me back problems all my life” Its quite a common problem that people have that causes chronic back problems…well I had her take off her shoes and I prayed for her, with no immediate results, but she had a lot of faith and I told her that sometimes things happened instantly and some over time so, I told her if she wanted to we could pray again the next day and see how it goes. Well she grabbed me the next day right before we left and when she took off her shoes and compared her legs the one that was a ½ inch was now ¼ inch and I told her this and she was like “ya I felt heat and electricity going through it last night after you prayed for it” So we thanked God for what He had done and then I kept praying… as we prayed the leg started to grow right before our eyes, and she felt her whole leg stretching! It was totally amazing and completely rocked all of us! Sooo…. The next day I get back to school and im out in the parking lot sharing this testimony with a friend of mine, while a girl in the car next to us “hears the testimony” cause her window is rolled half way down, gets out of her car and walks up to me and is like “will you pray for my leg? Its ¾ inch shorter than the other one” so im like “ya, lets do it!” so she sits on the back of her car and I hold her feet in my hand seeing the obvious difference, and just prayed for maybe 10 seconds, and commanded the leg to grow, and right before all three of us, the leg grew out instantly till it was perfect! We were all freaking out!! Oh my gosh I have never see anything like it! The cool part about the story is that she had just been home over Christmas and had told her chiropractor that God was gonna heal her and grow one of her legs out and that he was gonna see! Haha so, he’s gonna be pretty shocked when he sees what God has done! Soo… I didn’t think the day could get any crazier until I got home and I was sharing “the testimony” with my roommate and as im telling him he looks down at his legs and smiles… yep, you guessed it, his leg was off too… about an 1/8th of an inch. Well we prayed, commanded the thing to grow and he felt his hip shift and sure enough it grew! So that made those two days the craziest most miraculous days of my life. Its one thing to pray for an internal illness or sickness and have there symptoms go away and them get healed (which is equally as amazing and awesome) but to physically see a leg grow out instantly is absolutely amazing! Nothing will prepare you for that, and all it took was a little stepping out and obedience. Seriously, we can all do this stuff, It just takes a little faith. Jesus said if you had the faith of a tiny mustard seed you could move a mountain, so it really doesn’t take that much. Iv gotten to see many other people healed and delivered to (which a lot of times the deliverance leads to them getting healed) but a lady with back and neck problems completely healed, Achilles tendon that was tore, completely healed, someone’s lungs, a girl who had some major problems with her ovaries get healed, a guy with cancer in his lungs and throat healed, a guys knee that had torn stuff in his knee. Those are just things I have seen and prayed for in the last 3 months (and not all of them… just the memorable ones), If I were to tell ya all the testimonies from just the guys I live with it would be pages and pages haha. God is good! The same yesterday today and forever!
Seeing all the healing and other supernatural stuff (that I don’t even have time to go into detail about) has been so incredible but honestly the best thing is just my daily experience with God and His amazingly powerful presence that comes over me and consumes me, I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING, and im being completely serious. Iv had some seriously intense times in his presence where I cant move at all cause His power is so strong, and lately I have been walking in a level of presence that I can tangibly feel 24 hours a day! Its soooooo good. Like I don’t even know how to describe it, but you have to press in for it, there is nothing better. Its Like doing the best drugs in the world with no side effects and its free! Haha. He’s soooo sooo good,
Thanks for reading my long long blog and I will hopefully write again soon
Take care and goodnight
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